Cold weather can be a lot of fun for us humans, but it can create some safety concerns for pets. Here are some things to be aware of:

  • Be aware of what your pet’s limits are for being in cold temperatures; if you need to bundle up, it is too cold for your pet.
  • Consider having your pet wear sweaters, jackets, or booties. Booties and paw palm can help protect your pet’s paws from ice melts and salt.
  • Wipe off your pet’s paws after a walk.
  • Use pet-friendly deicing products.
  • Trim their coat when necessary and give less frequent baths.
  • Provide plenty of opportunities for your pet to be warm and comfy.
  • Be aware of pets finding creative places to stay warm, check your car before turning it on.
  • Do not leave your pets in the car during cold temperatures.
If you have any questions about cold weather safety, please contact us.